Thursday, 28 November 2013

Communication of Disaster Science for Mitigation, Recovery and Reconstruction: what do the users need?

I was recently asked to sit on a panel at the UCL IRIRUK Japan Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop with the question 'Communication of Disaster Science for Mitigation, Recovery and Reconstruction: what do the users need?' I drafted some thoughts as notes, which may be of interest!

1) What is the role of communication in disasters?
My research has focused on Early Warning Systems (EWS), at the interface between science and putting it into practice. I would like to make four keys points / comments on the role of communication in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), but specifically looking at the interface between hazard and risk, and focus around the first mile, rather than the traditional ‘last mile’.

In 2004 the Andaman Sumatra earthquake and tsunami changed the worlds of many people. There was no uncertainty in the case of the tsunami hazard, it had been created, yet more than 230,000 people died, so why that with our scientific capabilities, such devastation and suffering occurred? No warning, or communication tools were present.

I have focused my research largely around volcanoes, what I believe to be the most challenging of all, producing multiple hazards, when active or inactive, over differing spatiality and temporalities, and often inherently unpredictable, yet they nearly always provide some indication of unrest. The loss of over 23,000 lives by the relatively small eruption of Nevado del Ruiz, in Colombia 1985, is another tragic example where the scientists foresaw the volcanic eruption, the melting of the ice caps, and the generation of a significant lahar that would inundate the City of Armero around 60km away. The key decision-makers and authorities in the city chose not to respond to the warning, with devastating consequences. Barry Voight stated in a key review publication that ‘caused ‘purely and simply, by cumulative human error - by misjudgement, indecision and bureaucratic short-sightedness’ (Voight, 1990, p.383).

2) Investing in communication
It is clear that whilst there is still significant improvement needed in developing our scientific knowledge and capacity to foresee and accurate predict natural hazards, this is of course only part of the requirement in minimising a disaster. Yet, it is the correlation as demonstrated by the Sumatra and Nevado del Ruiz crises, amongst many others, that better science does not equal less disasters that raises questions. 

In the volcano community it is clear to me that most investment goes into developing monitoring capabilities, conducting research, employing staff to interpret data and dedicate years to understanding the unique nature of each volcano. Yet, seemingly little is invested in staff who are able to communicate, integrate, and use the scientific information to reduce and manage risk, with the vulnerable populations, and this person is very overworked. The USGS volcano observatories currently only have one funded outreach officer whereas around ten years ago they had five, and Indonesia now has around 15. With investment in only one side of the equation, the likelihood of disasters could arguably be increasing. 

In fact insurance losses from geological disasters are continuing to rise. The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan (MunichRe) caused losses of over US$40bn, for example, while the on-going insurance problems and costs in Christchurch, New Zealand stand at over $13bn. While disasters in ‘prepared’ countries are resulting in fewer deaths (despite the large scale of some events), their economic impact is growing as business becomes more dependent on functioning infrastructure in an ever-growing technological and globalised world.

3) How do we communicate across phenomenological knowledge, hazard, and risk?
Many scientists working for government organisations inherently have a legal mandate to monitor and warn about hazardous events, and thus the requirement is to aid the DRR. There are however, some counties more willing than others to invest in integrating ‘social sciences’ to help foster more effective communication and generating meaningful warnings and relationships in preparation for disasters.

Scientists and the user groups are currently really struggling with this relationship and definition and interaction of hazard and risk.  Perhaps two sides of a coin, places such as Indonesia and the Philippines are pioneers that fully embrace that hazard knowledge, assessment is interrelated to risk assessment and knowledge and are treated together, in one organisation. Given the vast numbers and scale of events in both locations, particularly in the context of volcanological hazards, lessons can, and should be sought from these approaches that have recently shown incredible successes, the evacuation of over 1 million people at Mt Pinatubo 1991, the successful evacuations on Merapi in 2010, and the relatively small loss in recent Typhoon Haiyan given the scale of the event.

But another approach, at the other end of the spectrum is also growing in force. Following the 6.3 magnitude earthquake in L’Aquila, Italy in 2009, where 308 people died, approximately 1,500 were injured, and 65,000 people were made homeless, a shock wave has been sent through the hazard scientific community, causing scientists to become increasingly concerned about how much hazard and risk advice they provide prior to a crisis. This has lead to an increase in use of probabilistic representations of uncertainty for forecasts. For more on L'Aquila please see an article I wrote on SciDevNet 'Scientists on trail: lessons for disaster preparedness' or this great piece in Nature 'Scientists on trial: at fault?'.

Scientists now fear being involved in risk management, and only wish to provide information relating to the hazard to the key assigned decision-maker who has to make a decision on how to respond, normally civil protection. This is potentially a dangerous position to be. In any crisis, who is the expert when making key decisions? Whose responsibility is it, and are there traces of accountability in the decision-making process? Roles and responsibilities need to be clearly defined for each country, that fits its legal framework and mandates.

4) What do the users need?
Is there some who can understand the hazard and all the scientific uncertainties involved, as well as the risks posed? Unlikely. Perhaps the models adopted by Indonesia and Philippines amongst others, attempts to bridge this gap. To date, however, there has been relatively little research into how scientists involved in geohazards make sense of scientific data and share hazard information amongst stakeholders, both in the long and short term, and how decisions are made. Without understanding this process, there is perhaps little hope of setting best practices, or at least understanding pros and cons in communication tools and practices

A small insight into this issue, can perhaps be drawn from my own research, in investigating the challenges involved in assigning a volcano alert level, and the issues involved in negotiating uncertainty, risk, and complexity in decision-making processes. This work provides first analysis of the decision-making processes involved in assigning a warning in a volcano alert level system, a tool is used to communicate warning information from scientists to civil authorities managing volcanic hazards, usually but not always based on the activity of the volcano (hazard info only).

Two key findings were discovered. First, that observatory scientists encounter difficulties in interpreting scientific data, and in making decisions about what a volcano is doing, when dealing with complex volcanic processes. Second, the decision to move between alert levels is based upon a complex negotiation of perceived social and environmental risks, not just the hazard. This research establishes that decision-making processes are problematic in the face of intrinsic uncertainties and risks, such that warning systems become complex and nonlinear.

This also shows that hazard and risk are in practice, very difficult to separate, and that by separating them, the gap between expertise on the hazard and risk will get bigger as people become reluctant to be engaged In the other. As such the repercussions of L’Aquila raised interesting questions for us all.

Unless we invest and understand how scientific, hazard, and risk knowledge is created, shared, and effectively communicated, I am not convinced that we will see a reduction in disaster impacts.

So what are the potential solutions?
Hazard scientists work tirelessly to produce information and various products and systems to communicate their work to their user groups. But have we stopped to ask whether this is the information these user groups need and want? Is this information in a format they can understand and use? Unless there is evaluation and analysis on the effectiveness of communication and knowledge sharing, it is possible that scientists are investing limited resources ineffectively?

This in turns requires an investment in researchers and staff to conduct these and develop deeper understanding into bridging science and action.

There also needs to be further consideration to what roles the responsibilities and roles are of various stakeholders, that leads to issues of accountability. Perhaps by clarifying these roles, the issues of hazard and risk assessment and management can be discussed more holistically given the uncertainties involved in geological hazards.

5) To achieve this requires funding and a change in mind set for the hazard community, and a focus also on the first mile, and to invest in it. The question is, what is preventing this?